Farm Town

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Lara Jun 04 2019 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6304138)
Hi Lara,
They are working on a solution to this. In the mean time, create a sale offer in one of the boxes then immediately delete the offer. Repeat that in every box that has an old sale offer until you are down to just the number with the sale offers you want to make. Then you will only see those sale offers.

You haven't seen this before because this is very new and they are still working out the kinks.

Thanks for the advice

laditz Jun 04 2019 10:59 AM

Import Export
I love the new warehouse option but awhile back they started the import export and then just left it, I really wish they would update/upgrade some things in the game before throwing new stuff at us, we need sort option, we need to have only those who have items show in the list or sort to the top, we need to making importing much cheaper and exporting a better profit so people will participate more, most my neighbors have stopped doing it. I only do it maybe once a week due to time it takes, maybe add tools to collect all, thank you, I do appreciate the new stuff, so do not think I do not, just frustrated at Also hope they fix the last sprinkler it works when it wants things left unfinished.

Taz D Jun 04 2019 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by laditz (Post 6304206)
I love the new warehouse option but awhile back they started the import export and then just left it, I really wish they would update/upgrade some things in the game before throwing new stuff at us, we need sort option, we need to have only those who have items show in the list or sort to the top, we need to making importing much cheaper and exporting a better profit so people will participate more, most my neighbors have stopped doing it. I only do it maybe once a week due to time it takes, maybe add tools to collect all, thank you, I do appreciate the new stuff, so do not think I do not, just frustrated at Also hope they fix the last sprinkler it works when it wants things left unfinished.

Hi Laditz,
If you want to make a suggestion please post it in the Suggestions section where we organize them by subject for the developers to view. You can not start a new thread there but you can reply to one that fits your suggestion.
Also if you have a problem with a sprinkler please post it in the Help & Support section of the forums. There is a thread about the sprinklers you can post that in.

Taz D Jun 05 2019 05:17 PM

Raul has posted this update and addition to the Trading Warehouse:

Post Release Updates - June 5th, 5:30PM

- 6 new Fathers Day items, 5 at the top of the Fathers Day category at the store and 1 at the bottom.

- Added the capability in the Trading Warehouse to create another set of offers that can be fulfilled by farmers in the Trading Marketplace, this way you don't have to randomly sell products to any farmer, you can just announce that you have Super Facility products to sell and interested farmers can access the sell offers in your Trading Warehouse using an option in your avatar menu.

L.A.Bob Jun 05 2019 09:15 PM

While at the trading market I clicked on a player's Avatar and then clicked on their Trading Warehouse and they had nothing in their Warehouse and I got an X025 error and the game reloaded. This happened 3 times. Just thought you should know.

Taz D Jun 05 2019 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by L.A.Bob (Post 6304394)
While at the trading market I clicked on a player's Avatar and then clicked on their Trading Warehouse and they had nothing in their Warehouse and I got an X025 error and the game reloaded. This happened 3 times. Just thought you should know.

Hi L.A. Bob,
I have been in and out of the Trading Market since the release, going to many Trading Warehouses both not set up and some filled. I have not encountered any X025 errors.

Please try clearing your memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close that as it is done.
If your farm is open close it. Then reopen and try again to see if you get the error again.

Vivienne57 Jun 06 2019 04:30 AM

Trading Warehouse
I just wondered if us farmers get any benefit from giving free gifts of products in the Trading Warehouse like we do with the Super Facility. I have read the instructions for the Trading Ware house but nothing about benefits to the farmer filling their trading warehouse. I know we get the same amount of products back as we are giving away but do we get additional products for doing this or not. Thank you :)

Tiger Jun 06 2019 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Vivienne57 (Post 6304430)
I just wondered if us farmers get any benefit from giving free gifts of products in the Trading Warehouse like we do with the Super Facility. I have read the instructions for the Trading Ware house but nothing about benefits to the farmer filling their trading warehouse. I know we get the same amount of products back as we are giving away but do we get additional products for doing this or not. Thank you :)

Hi Vivienne57,

There's no difference in rewards no matter which way you choose to sell or give your super facility products away. You just are selling or giving them via another method by using the Trading Warehouse which gives the buyer a choice of what to buy and can be done offline with neighbours. With strangers at the Trade marketplace they can just browse your Trading warehouse to see all that you have available and pick which one they want to buy that they may need over another one, giving them more options. Whichever method you use, even if you give them away you still get that same number of products back as a reward.

Dr. Dirt Jun 06 2019 06:57 AM

When someone at the market buys from your super facility by clicking on the option in you avatar menu, is there anyway you can tell other than going back to your farm and looking at the products that have been sold?

Alexandra_J Jun 06 2019 07:24 AM

When trading at the market or giving to neighbours can we get notified please to let the owner know that someone has bought from us please.

Tiger Jun 06 2019 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Dirt (Post 6304454)
When someone at the market buys from your super facility by clicking on the option in you avatar menu, is there anyway you can tell other than going back to your farm and looking at the products that have been sold?

Hi Dr. Dirt,

The developers are looking for an easy way for you to be able to do this.

I have found it is possible if you put the Trading Warehouse as one of your shortcuts. You can check what has been sold and update/delete sales if you still have products to sell. However, I am not sure if the developers intended for this to be able to be done, so at this time I do not know if it will continue to show up in the game bar or if it will show up for everyone.

If you don't want to do that or it doesn't show up for you, then the only way, at the moment is to go either to your own farm or someone else's farm so you can open the tool box to get to the trading warehouse.

Dr. Dirt Jun 06 2019 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Tiger Laybourne (Post 6304462)
Hi Dr. Dirt,

The developers are looking for an easy way for you to be able to do this.

I have found it is possible if you put the Trading Warehouse as one of your shortcuts. You can check what has been sold and update/delete sales if you still have products to sell. However, I am not sure if the developers intended for this to be able to be done, so at this time I do not know if it will continue to show up in the game bar or if it will show up for everyone.

If you don't want to do that or it doesn't show up for you, then the only way, at the moment is to go either to your own farm or someone else's farm so you can open the tool box to get to the trading warehouse.

Thanks Tiger, I'll try the shortcut idea until they come up with something else.

Tiger Jun 06 2019 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Dirt (Post 6304470)
Thanks Tiger, I'll try the shortcut idea until they come up with something else.

You are welcome Dr.Dirt,

As I said I am not sure if that is supposed to work. If for some reason it turns out to be a bug or causes a problem that method might have to be removed.

Edit to Update: Method is valid and works well.

Vivienne57 Jun 06 2019 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Tiger Laybourne (Post 6304446)
Hi Vivienne57,

There's no difference in rewards no matter which way you choose to sell or give your super facility products away. You just are selling or giving them via another method by using the Trading Warehouse which gives the buyer a choice of what to buy and can be done offline with neighbours. With strangers at the Trade marketplace they can just browse your Trading warehouse to see all that you have available and pick which one they want to buy that they may need over another one, giving them more options. Whichever method you use, even if you give them away you still get that same number of products back as a reward.

Thank you for the clarification :)

Taz D Jun 06 2019 08:10 PM

Latest release updates from Raul for June 6th:

Post Release Updates - June 6th, 2:15AM

- Previous week super facility offers will be removed automatically the next time you create a sell offer
- A seller can now see minutes in addition to the hours remaining for the next buying limit period to start
- Bugfix: Opening the Trading Warehouse of farmers at level 20 or less was showing an X025 error
- Bugfix: Farm Selector overlapping message icon for farmers with 8 or less farms

Post Release Updates - June 6th, 8:45PM

- Added a 'Show Trading Warehouse' option to your own avatar menu so you can check your Trading Warehouse everywhere, including at marketplaces. Alternatively, you can create a shortcut for the Trading Warehouse icon that you can also use when you are in the markets.

- Bugfix: The top button colors (brown and orange) at the Trading Warehouse were sometimes incorrectly displayed.

Taz D Jun 07 2019 04:11 PM

Raul has just added the following:

Post Release Updates - June 7th, 5:00PM

Our developer working on the Trading Warehouse feature is currently on vacation, we will continue improving this feature once he return 2-3 weeks from now. See below the list of pending improvements:

- Highlight farmers in the Trade Marketplace with offers available and from whom you haven't bought any products yet
- Show a quick notification when someone buy a product from your Trading Warehouse
- Show a visible counter somewhere of the number of open offers in your Trading Warehouse
- Show a picture of the farmer who bought a product from your Trading Warehouse

TexasQuilter Jun 07 2019 04:47 PM

I am enjoying the Trading Warehouse very much and the pending improvements will make for an even better experience !!

Aussie Rae Jun 07 2019 08:45 PM

thank you to the developers and the moderators who simply amaze me with their dedication to this game and are continually striving to make it enjoyable for us all, :)

KatieH Jun 07 2019 08:47 PM

I just click on someone in the marketplace to manually sell/give them some SF items and it will show me what is left

famer charlie Jun 08 2019 07:10 AM

is there away to see if you buddies list have stuff to sell in there trading warehouse

Tiger Jun 08 2019 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by famer charlie (Post 6304686)
is there away to see if you buddies list have stuff to sell in there trading warehouse

Hi farmer charlie,

You can only buy and sell from neighbours offline. You would have to meet them when they were online at the marketplace to be able to click on their avatar to see their Trading Warehouse. There is no indicator on the buddy list to tell you if they have anything in their Trading Warehouse. You would either have to ask them or they would need to tell you.

Dr. Dirt Jun 08 2019 09:42 AM

Is there an 8 product limit to the trading warehouse. I currently have the snack factory as my super facility which has 13 products? The trading warehouse only offers 8 products.

Tiger Jun 08 2019 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Dirt (Post 6304710)
Is there an 8 product limit to the trading warehouse. I currently have the snack factory as my super facility which has 13 products? The trading warehouse only offers 8 products.

Hi Dr.Dirt,

Yes, you can only have 8 sale offers at a time. When one of your offers is sold you will able to sell a different one by creating a new sale offer.

Gail Green-jeans Jun 09 2019 11:03 AM

Maybe this has been answered already. I filled my facilities today and then immediately tried to put offers in my trading warehouse... it says I have no products to offer?


Originally Posted by Gail Green-jeans (Post 6304842)
Maybe this has been answered already. I filled my facilities today and then immediately tried to put offers in my trading warehouse... it says I have no products to offer?

I think I know... my facility is stone windmill. It is empty as the red windmills used up all of my ingredients first.

Taz D Jun 09 2019 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Gail Green-jeans (Post 6304842)
Maybe this has been answered already. I filled my facilities today and then immediately tried to put offers in my trading warehouse... it says I have no products to offer?

I think I know... my facility is stone windmill. It is empty as the red windmills used up all of my ingredients first.

Hi Gail,
I would suggest you either stop production in the red windmills or go to the Stone windmill and fill it first so you can get the super facility products.

JoGilliam Jun 14 2019 06:26 AM

In the market place, if you click on your own avatar, you can access your trading warehouse.

Tiger Jun 14 2019 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by JoGilliam (Post 6305534)
In the market place, if you click on your own avatar, you can access your trading warehouse.

Hi JoGilliam,

Yes, that was added June 6th. See the release notes, 1st post on page one, for all information.

Tiger Jun 16 2019 03:57 AM

Thank you very much everyone for your feedback on the new release and the new version of the game.
I am now closing this thread. Keep an eye open for the next release!

If you require help with the game please post in Help and Support.
For any problems with the new Trading Warehouse post in Problems with Buying/Selling Trading

For feedback for the game post in General Feedback.
Ideas for the game post in Suggestions.
Thank You!

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