Farm Town

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grannygoose0655 Oct 02 2019 05:35 PM

For some reason the new tab in the warehouse will only let me buy products from people and the amount is very small, also the fish tab doesn't work at all, I see some of my neighbors can sell items, but i can't.

marymarcel Oct 02 2019 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by grannygoose0655 (Post 6318754)
For some reason the new tab in the warehouse will only let me buy products from people and the amount is very small, also the fish tab doesn't work at all, I see some of my neighbors can sell items, but i can't.

Hi grannygoose :)

The developers are still working in this new feature and the information has not been released yet.
We will know more as soon as we get all the details to use the new tab.

When you open a neighbor Trading House and click in the new tab you are selling them regular products, not buying them.

ftjill Oct 03 2019 08:04 PM

Love the fog available in the Halloween seasonal items in the store. Looks great on my harbour farm

Taz D Oct 03 2019 08:11 PM

Updated by Raul:
Post Release Updates - October 3rd, 9:00PM

- Released the full documentation for the #6 Create 'Buy Offers' for Regular Products in your Trading Warehouse feature, check post above for details
- Added a notification message when opening the Trading Warehouse of a farmer that do not have offers created yet
- Added red counters in the top tab buttons with the number of open offers when visiting others Trading Warehouses
- Adjusted the position of the feedback summary text when working neighbour facilities
- 14 Halloween decors: 4 as Gifts, 7 at the top of the Halloween category in the Store and 3 at the bottom

JNelson Oct 03 2019 08:29 PM

still need to know, how and when can we choose what we want to buy?

Taz D Oct 03 2019 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6318846)
still need to know, how and when can we choose what we want to buy?

Hi JNelson,
Raul just posted the update about this in the first post. You have all the information we currently have in that post.

Farmer_Susan Oct 03 2019 10:28 PM

My fog disappears under some items but not others. Several of the ones I bought got completely hidden in buildings instead of hovering over the buildings. SOME times it works, though, and looks cool!

Taz D Oct 03 2019 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Farmer_Susan (Post 6318866)
My fog disappears under some items but not others. Several of the ones I bought got completely hidden in buildings instead of hovering over the buildings. SOME times it works, though, and looks cool!

Hi Susan,
I don't think it is like the clouds where it floats above everything. From what I see it works the same way everything at "ground" level works, in that one end is higher than the other, so if you put something on one side it goes under , but moving it to the other side allows it to be on top Like the swimmers and skiers. It may just take playing with it to get it in the right spot.

JNelson Oct 03 2019 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6318850)
Hi JNelson,
Raul just posted the update about this in the first post. You have all the information we currently have in that post.

the question was for Raul did i put in the wrong space, i understand the 1 hr tme period and the 10 trades a day but it doesn't let us change what we want to buy and it doesnt seem to reset at midnight like the other TW stuff, so that what i was asking ..

when we choose the item we want to buy how long do we have to stay with that item?

Taz D Oct 03 2019 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6318874)
the question was for Raul did i put in the wrong space, i understand the 1 hr tme period and the 10 trades a day but it doesn't let us change what we want to buy and it doesnt seem to reset at midnight like the other TW stuff, so that what i was asking ..

when we choose the item we want to buy how long do we have to stay with that item?

Hi JNelson,
You are right it doesn't let you change the item you have the buying offer up for. As I haven't had one last very long, it could be it stays until someone sells to you or it could be you could change it after an hour. I have not had one last that long. I do know that you can not set up a new one again until an hour after yours has sold.
Raul does not answer questions here directly, but maybe he will see it and add to the information in the first post, so keep watching there for any additions.

gtheoldone Oct 04 2019 02:16 AM

ty rael for thr info

bliky Oct 04 2019 10:03 AM

Great release! One issue I'm seeing is that when I try to create a purchase offer for fish it still says "coming soon". I can create offers for all the others. I have cleared my cache. My wife is also seeing the same results. Is this expected?

Tiger Oct 04 2019 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by bliky (Post 6318926)
Great release! One issue I'm seeing is that when I try to create a purchase offer for fish it still says "coming soon". I can create offers for all the others. I have cleared my cache. My wife is also seeing the same results. Is this expected?

Hi bilky,

We know the fish section was more problematic than the other sections so I am not sure if they are still working on that. We have asked to confirm.


EDIT TO ADD: The developers have confirmed this will be delayed a while.

Gail Green-jeans Oct 04 2019 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6318878)
Hi JNelson,
You are right it doesn't let you change the item you have the buying offer up for. As I haven't had one last very long, it could be it stays until someone sells to you or it could be you could change it after an hour. I have not had one last that long. I do know that you can not set up a new one again until an hour after yours has sold.
Raul does not answer questions here directly, but maybe he will see it and add to the information in the first post, so keep watching there for any additions.


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6318846)
still need to know, how and when can we choose what we want to buy?

This MIGHT answer one of the questions that I THINK you are asking. I have found that if I want to change the crop (and other categories) all I have to do is delete the crop that I want to change. Then the bar comes up to create a new crop offer. This post is supposed to be directed J Nelson... first time I used the quote function.

Gail Green-jeans Oct 04 2019 12:27 PM

I must say that I LOVE the trading warehouse! But for a compulsive player like me, I could be tempted to hang out in the trading market for TOO LONG waiting for new traders. Great feature Raul!

Lara Oct 05 2019 12:14 AM

The fish tab in the trading warehouse is not active and just says coming soon but there is nothing noted in the notes about this. Also how do you know when the trading period for sales changes or do you just have to keep trying? I am finding it a bit hard to understand how this new bit works to be honest.

Tiger Oct 05 2019 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by Lara (Post 6319090)
The fish tab in the trading warehouse is not active and just says coming soon but there is nothing noted in the notes about this. Also how do you know when the trading period for sales changes or do you just have to keep trying? I am finding it a bit hard to understand how this new bit works to be honest.

Hi Lara,

The fish section is not released yet, it will likely be released in a few days time, that section has proven a little more complicated to implement, but it will be released in time.

Your Trading Period starts as soon as you add the 1st Purchase Offer in your Buy Products section of the warehouse OR you sell someone what they need in their Sell Products section of the warehouse, and it lasts for one hour. If someone sells you something you are asking for , in that section, within that hour and you look back in there then the Purchase offer will show you the details of who sold it to you and what you got and there will be a greyed out button with a time on it indicating when you can make the next offer for that category. When the session is over that button will again turn blue and show Create Purchase Offer. As soon as you Create another offer the next Trading Period starts. When you are out of Trading periods and you try to create another Purchase Offer you will be notified that you can not.

I hope that helps for the time being. The game guide will have full information about this feature as soon as we can get it done.

Aussie Rae Oct 05 2019 11:17 PM

love the special reward when buying and selling regular items via the trade warehouse... bought cinnamon logs and sold ebony logs, got twice the number of cinnamon logs as a reward, yipee...

Daisy-A-Day Oct 07 2019 08:19 PM

I am loving, loving, LOVING the turbo factory work speed. Best improvement in the game in a long time. Thank you.

miemie Oct 09 2019 12:46 AM

thank you very much for the latest info.

Taz D Oct 09 2019 07:21 PM

Raul just updated first post:

Post Release Updates - October 9th, 7:30PM

- The brown dot in the Neighbours Bar and the brown marking on avatar labels in the marketplaces are now aware of the availability of Regular Products Purchase Offers
- Small adjustments to the layout of the offers to make it more clear when you sold and when you bought products
- Added 'Rules' and 'Benefits' buttons to the Trading Warehouse screen with explanations of all the rules and benefits
- BugFix: The earned rewards when selling animal products is now based on the trading limit of the animal product you are buying, not the animal product you are selling
- BugFix: When filling your service facilities, sometimes a text was shown with how much coins were deducted

amanda1955 Oct 10 2019 04:28 PM

just noticed with trading warehouse the dot doesn't disappear when done , plus sometimes people dont have enough to sell the dot still shows, very annoying , sorry couldn't find trading warehouse link in the help section , otherwise love this feature

Tiger Oct 10 2019 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by amanda1955 (Post 6319738)
just noticed with trading warehouse the dot doesn't disappear when done , plus sometimes people dont have enough to sell the dot still shows, very annoying , sorry couldn't find trading warehouse link in the help section , otherwise love this feature

Hi amanda1955,

At the moment, for the dot to go, you need to take an offer in both sections. There is an issue with it not clearing if they only have offers in one section. If they only have offers in one section and you take one of those offers, you just need to refresh the Trade offers for it to update. A similar thing happens with trading at the Trade marketplace as well.

The devs are aware of these and are still looking at how it could be be improved.

1wolfie1 Oct 10 2019 04:47 PM

next release?
waiting on the next release date...want to know in advance if more facilities will be eligible for belt bonuses...please advise...


amanda1955 Oct 10 2019 04:49 PM

it still shows though if they dont have enough to sell which quite often happen it shouldn't show if that is the case and they dont have anything to sell , but have been refreshing, most if done do disappear

Taz D Oct 10 2019 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by 1wolfie1 (Post 6319746)
waiting on the next release date...want to know in advance if more facilities will be eligible for belt bonuses...please advise...


Hi wolfie,
I am sorry but the developers do not tell us what or when they will release in advance and that includes the belts.

Taz D Oct 10 2019 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by amanda1955 (Post 6319750)
it still shows though if they dont have enough to sell which quite often happen it shouldn't show if that is the case and they dont have anything to sell , but have been refreshing, most if done do disappear

Hi Amanda,
As Tiger said the developers are aware of this and working on it.

texans Oct 14 2019 03:33 AM

Working facilities
When working neighbors facilities and clients, sometimes it goes quickly and sometimes it goes slow, is there a reason for this?

Tiger Oct 14 2019 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by texans (Post 6320122)
When working neighbors facilities and clients, sometimes it goes quickly and sometimes it goes slow, is there a reason for this?

Hi texans,

If they have a considerable amount of facilites on a farm AND they are fully loaded by the time you get to them, you might find it's those that run a bit slower.

marymarcel Oct 17 2019 02:38 PM

Hi all :)

From Raul notes for the New Release:

Post Release Updates - October 17th, 2:08PM

- The brown dots in the Neighbours Bar and the brown marking on avatar labels in the marketplaces are now much more accurately reflecting the current status of offers available to you from those farmers.

Dana1971 Oct 18 2019 06:04 AM

Market Place
If the Avatar Only has Super Facility items, and you get one, the Tan goes away, BUT if they have Super Facility and Regular Items for sale, and you only take a Super Facility item, they stay Tan...very annoying. They need to turn a different color if they have Regular Items for sale. TOO confusing.

Tiger Oct 18 2019 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Dana1971 (Post 6320686)
If the Avatar Only has Super Facility items, and you get one, the Tan goes away, BUT if they have Super Facility and Regular Items for sale, and you only take a Super Facility item, they stay Tan...very annoying. They need to turn a different color if they have Regular Items for sale. TOO confusing.

Hi Dana,

As your post is feedback about a new release item, I have moved it to the new release thread for the developers to see.

Aussie Rae Oct 18 2019 08:41 PM

it seems to me that the only ones still showing the beige dot and items with BUY in blue which when you click on them then say the farmer doesn't have that item, are mainly from my neighbors in the USA as all those here in Australia work beautifully.. maybe the time difference has something to do with it.. who knows? I am not stressing as I have all I need in storage but it is becoming a waste of time opening the warehouses of those neighbors if thats all that is going to happen from now on.. hope the devs find a way for the feature to work as it is a great one... no need to reply to this.. just having a small winge... LOL ps have not had my coffee yet.

dleenorris Oct 19 2019 12:09 AM

The brown dots do not go away when all products are gone - even when both sides are gone

Taz D Oct 19 2019 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by dleenorris (Post 6320738)
The brown dots do not go away when all products are gone - even when both sides are gone

Hi dleenorris,
Is it that all of the things are gone or are there some greyed out that you can't buy or sell? Soon as I open one that all are gone then when I close it the dot goes away.

dleenorris Oct 19 2019 11:50 PM

This seems to have corrected itself.

Tiger Oct 21 2019 11:03 AM

We are aware that the Shrinking window is back again when sending gifts from the gift page.
Please do NOT post about it in this thread as this is just for feedback about the new release. We will update the following post as we get information:
Shrinking window when sending gifts from the Gift Page
The developers are aware that the problem is back again and have contacted Facebook about it!

Dana1971 Oct 22 2019 04:24 AM

Trading Market
Looked everywhere on where to post this....just wondering if they are still working on the Trading Marketplace?

Tiger Oct 22 2019 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Dana1971 (Post 6321082)
Looked everywhere on where to post this....just wondering if they are still working on the Trading Marketplace?

Hi Dana1971,

I have moved your post to the new release thread as you are asking about an item from the release. The last thing they worked on was the beige status for the trade marketplace. They have not said if they will be making further changes there. The only thing left to release is the fish section in the buy regulars in the warehouse. Keep an eye on the 1st post on page one. Raul will update that if he changes anything.

Dana1971 Oct 22 2019 06:24 AM

Trading Market
Just wondered because if someone has nothing in their super facility and they are only wanting to sell something, they stay Tan. Myself and others are only interested in the Super Facility items, plus they will be Tan and have nothing but items they want to sell. Gets so confusing on who you've clicked on and who you haven't. Would be great if the people who want to sell something were a different color.

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