Farm Town

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florhel Mar 25 2011 09:00 AM

:DI just earned 65 farm cash got a beautiful flower basket and a rewarding experience by going to earn farm cash. Looking for farm cash a get well basket candy flowers etc. go to Flowers USA. I cannot say enough about how pleased I was with their service and products.

Gary M. Farral Mar 27 2011 02:58 PM

Interesting forum information. I have never seen the Farm Cash option nor have I seen this facility manager that allow one to see all their facilities from one port nor have I seen a funnel?

Double T Dude Ranch Mar 27 2011 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Gary M. Farral (Post 4545426)
Interesting forum information. I have never seen the Farm Cash option nor have I seen this facility manager that allow one to see all their facilities from one port nor have I seen a funnel?

The facility manager is in the yellow tool box where the camera is.

Click on the green arrow to extend it and in the left column is the facility manger (looks like a factory).

As for the Farm Cash option, are you meaning the earn FC through neighbors ? It randomly appears at the top of your FT game screen.

Gary M. Farral Mar 27 2011 03:04 PM

Thank you .. good explanation.

jenn herring Mar 27 2011 10:15 PM

i was just wondering why it takes so long for farmtown to come out with new stuff.i am a farmtown addict as well as many of my friends are.i have tons of ideas and have decorated and remodeled several farms and friends have had me do there as well.will there be more farms, decorations,facilities ect.....

i ask this b/c the other game i play yoville comes out with new stuff 3 times a week. if we are luck farm town will 1 time every month or 2.

i hope stuff comes out soon, and more often.

Tony D Mar 27 2011 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by jenn herring (Post 4546466)
i was just wondering why it takes so long for farmtown to come out with new stuff.i am a farms town addict as well as many of my friends are.i have tons of ideas and have decorated and remodeled several farms and friends have had me do there as well.will there be more farms, decorations,facilities ect.....

i ask this b/c the other game i play yoville comes out with new stuff 3 times a week. if we are luck farm town will 1 time every month or 2.

i hope stuff comes out soon.

Hi, just letting you know that I have moved your post to General Feedback.

Queen.of.Clutter Mar 27 2011 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by jenn herring (Post 4546466)
i was just wondering why it takes so long for farmtown to come out with new stuff.i am a farmtown addict as well as many of my friends are.i have tons of ideas and have decorated and remodeled several farms and friends have had me do there as well.will there be more farms, decorations,facilities ect.....

i ask this b/c the other game i play yoville comes out with new stuff 3 times a week. if we are luck farm town will 1 time every month or 2.

i hope stuff comes out soon, and more often.

Are you serious ????!!!!???? Really ?? I would rather have a new release once a YEAR here with Farm Town (Mods .... that is just a JOKE - I could never wait that long ! LOL!! ) than to deal with the problems the 'other' game(s) have because of the bombardment of new things so often. I mean, seriously ...... you are joking, right ??

artisanrox Mar 28 2011 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by jenn herring (Post 4546466)
i ask this b/c the other game i play yoville comes out with new stuff 3 times a week. if we are luck farm town will 1 time every month or 2.

i hope stuff comes out soon, and more often.


Have you noticed that Farm Town *works* much better than YoVille, has amazingly few to NO popups, and functions correctly much, much more often that YV???

I want the development team to actually *improve the game* not waste time pumping up the game every week with "stuff" we don't want, when they could be releasing the things we really WANT, like farm 9, new interesting facilities, and improvements in the various marketplaces!

The Z is the most TERRIBLE gaming dev team in existence (rivaled only by Bobby Kotick's "Activision"!!!), and YoVille will probably be the next game Z abandons, in my opinon. I'm surprised it hasn't been abandoned already.

katrina719 Mar 29 2011 09:00 PM

Oh, come one people... be serious... ALL Zynga games are 75% real cash... and for what? **** :)

Nightowl 1942 Mar 30 2011 10:18 AM

Once a month is fine with me because at least things work correctly when they do come out. Farm Town is the best!!!!!!!!!!!! I quit all the "other" games last year because of all the problems, needing Farm Cash for 98% of new items, and having to rely on neighbors for everything. Farm Town lets you interact with neighbors but I don't have to solely rely on them to complete tasks in order to level up.

Angel70 Mar 31 2011 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Nightowl 1942 (Post 4551754)
Once a month is fine with me because at least things work correctly when they do come out. Farm Town is the best!!!!!!!!!!!! I quit all the "other" games last year because of all the problems, needing Farm Cash for 98% of new items, and having to rely on neighbors for everything. Farm Town lets you interact with neighbors but I don't have to solely rely on them to complete tasks in order to level up.

I totally agree with you! Also I quit playing all the other games for the same reasons you have mentioned. Farmtown is the only game I play and an update once a month is fine by me.

rab124 Mar 31 2011 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Queen.of.Clutter (Post 4546490)
Are you serious ????!!!!???? Really ?? I would rather have a new release once a YEAR here with Farm Town (Mods .... that is just a JOKE - I could never wait that long ! LOL!! ) than to deal with the problems the 'other' game(s) have because of the bombardment of new things so often. I mean, seriously ...... you are joking, right ??

Queen of Clutter - you would hyperventilate and spontaneously combust if you had to wait that long for a new release! I agree, tho, and have given up trying to play the other games. The mods and the developers are to be highly commended for putting out thought out and interesting releases based alot on what we tell them, and also for putting up with the whiniest, unappreciative lot I have seen in a long time! Even when we whine - we think you are the best!

abbygirl Mar 31 2011 10:16 PM

If you don't spend your money on this game-you will move up, but so slowoy
This is a really irritating part of this game. I have over 21 million coins, but not enouh farm town cash to buy another farm (and no I dont have 30 neighbnors), so it's out of my pocket or just take another year to get to where the people who are paying for "next new and better thing you just gotta have", why cant the developers let us trade in so much coins for farm cash?

Mr. H Mar 31 2011 10:19 PM

You guys need to get your heads out of the sand.

The truth is that FT would benefit from more frequent updates.

And while I agree that FT is in many ways a superior game, the numbers don't lie.

FT is down to 2.2 million players. 47 million play FV.

The frequent updates keep people coming back.

Taz D Mar 31 2011 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. H (Post 4556310)
You guys need to get your heads out of the sand.

The truth is that FT would benefit from more frequent updates.

And while I agree that FT is in many ways a superior game, the numbers don't lie.

FT is down to 2.2 million players. 47 million play FV.

The frequent updates keep people coming back.

Gee we must be a discerning group who prefer quality to quantity. More people try FV because they advertise more. More people leave Z games because of all the rediculous updates, pop-ups and the same challenges with a different looking building that doesn't do anything.

Tony D Mar 31 2011 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by abbygirl (Post 4556294)
This is a really irritating part of this game. I have over 21 million coins, but not enouh farm town cash to buy another farm (and no I dont have 30 neighbnors), so it's out of my pocket or just take another year to get to where the people who are paying for "next new and better thing you just gotta have", why cant the developers let us trade in so much coins for farm cash?

Hi just to let you know, I have moved your post to the thread for feedback on Farm Cash

LoreneC Apr 01 2011 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Farmslave (Post 4556338)
Gee we must be a discerning group who prefer quality to quantity. More people try FV because they advertise more. More people leave Z games because of all the rediculous updates, pop-ups and the same challenges with a different looking building that doesn't do anything.

I totally agree.

Zynga advertises, ALOT!

FT is 100% word of mouth.

I always did prefer the smaller stores to the giant chains!!

StoneFace Apr 01 2011 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by abbygirl (Post 4556294)
This is a really irritating part of this game. I have over 21 million coins, but not enouh farm town cash to buy another farm (and no I dont have 30 neighbnors), so it's out of my pocket or just take another year to get to where the people who are paying for "next new and better thing you just gotta have", why cant the developers let us trade in so much coins for farm cash?

Once you get those neighbors, or pay $$ to get by that 3rd farm obstacle, you will realize that 21million coin only used to be a lot of money.... like 2 years ago.

I venture to say that about anyone over level 150 makes more than 20-25 million every week with a modest effort.... and many make that daily.

I do not mean to demean your efforts.... but you should be happy to know that there are bigger brighter farmier days ahead as you progress in this game.


Mr. H Apr 01 2011 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Farmslave (Post 4556338)
Gee we must be a discerning group who prefer quality to quantity. More people try FV because they advertise more. More people leave Z games because of all the rediculous updates, pop-ups and the same challenges with a different looking building that doesn't do anything.

More people have left FV than FT, certainly...milllions more play FV.

A more telling number is the percentage of players that have left either game.

On a daily basis there are currently 542,795 players of FT. That is down from a peak of 6,302,336. They've lost 5,759,541 players...over 91%.

13,366,870 people are playing FV daily. That's down from 32,479,576. They've lost 19,112,706 players but that's only 59% of their peak.

FV is the #3 app on FB while FT has slipped some and is down to #116.

All these numbers are on the web if you go look.

Clearly both games are declining but FV has done a better job of hanging on to people. Part of that is the fact that FV does a better job of advertising and thus replacing people that leave. But, a higher percentage of FV's monthly active users are playing on any given day. That indicates to me that:

a) The more frequent updates work.
b) FV players tend to be more loyal and committed to the game.

It's also worth noting that there are only currently about 7800 active members of this forum. With that small a number we aren't likely to be a fair representation of the average player. Basically the only people that come here are the fanatics, like myself, or people with problems.

LoreneC Apr 01 2011 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by abbygirl (Post 4556294)
This is a really irritating part of this game. I have over 21 million coins, but not enouh farm town cash to buy another farm (and no I dont have 30 neighbnors), so it's out of my pocket or just take another year to get to where the people who are paying for "next new and better thing you just gotta have", why cant the developers let us trade in so much coins for farm cash?

If you purchase a 12x12 Farm 3, you can buy 4-8 as levels and coins allow. You do not need to max the Farm 3 size to purchase additional farms.

I imagine we can't trade coins for cash because that doesn't contribute to overhead or profit for the devs.

JAS0643 Apr 01 2011 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by LoreneC (Post 4557066)
If you purchase a 12x12 Farm 3, you can buy 4-8 as levels and coins allow. You do not need to max the Farm 3 size to purchase additional farms.

I imagine we can't trade coins for cash because that doesn't contribute to overhead or profit for the devs.

Only farms 1 & 2 have level requirements, farm 3 requires farm 2 & 30 neighbors all the other farms just require the farm before it.

JAS0643 Apr 01 2011 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. H
But, a higher percentage of FV's monthly active users are playing on any given day. That indicates to me that:

a) The more frequent updates work.
b) FV players tend to be more loyal and committed to the game.

You must not plat any zynga games. The reason they have more daily players is because they have to constantly ask friends to send them things so the can build stuff or do missions. They also get rewards for playing everyday. I do not play Fv but a different zynga game gives you in game cash if you play 6 days in a row. Now I don’t want ft to be like zynga but something like that might get ft more players.

Mr. H Apr 01 2011 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by JAS0643 (Post 4557186)
You must not plat any zynga games. The reason they have more daily players is because they have to constantly ask friends to send them things so the can build stuff or do missions. They also get rewards for playing everyday. I do not play Fv but a different zynga game gives you in game cash if you play 6 days in a row. Now I don’t want ft to be like zynga but something like that might get ft more players.

I play both Cityville and FV, the #1 and #3 FB apps. I'm a fairly advanced player in FV but more casual in CV. Neither of them offer what I would consider major incentive to play every day. Certainly not FC.

I didn't play any Zynga games for a long time and I, like others here, was contemptuous of the constant stream of posts from some of my friends. I actually had to unblock FV to begin playing it when a very dear friend asked me to help her. What I found once I began playing was that the people that were into the game viewed all these posts quite differently. It is how they interact with their friends and neighbors. They don't look at is as badgering or a chore but rather as helping and they mostly look forward to it. Here we plow, harvest, work each others facilities to interact more directly on our farms. There the interaction is more via the feed. Different, but it works.

This game is much more flexible and works equally well, whether your aim is to accumulate points or decorate your farm in the most imaginative way. FV is much more one-dimensional, IMO. It's also and easier, simpler game. I've tried to bring people over and met with little success. Often the reaction is that it's boring or it's too much work.

I'm not suggesting FT needs to become FV, far from it, but I think some perspective is in order and I think some lessons can be learned.

abbygirl Apr 02 2011 12:34 AM

Using Farm Coins
The point of my post is I have all these coins with really nothing to do with them unless I spend some of my "real money". I understand after farm 3 I can just buy the next farms. I just wish we could have friends without going through the whole facebook thing, just be neighnors, maybe I could build up neighnbors then. But just to play a game I am pretty learly of accepting people I dont know.


Thanks for any info.:p

JAS0643 Apr 02 2011 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by abbygirl (Post 4558294)
The point of my post is I have all these coins with really nothing to do with them unless I spend some of my "real money". I understand after farm 3 I can just buy the next farms. I just wish we could have friends without going through the whole facebook thing, just be neighnors, maybe I could build up neighnbors then. But just to play a game I am pretty learly of accepting people I dont know.


Thanks for any info.:p

You can block people from seeing things on fb that you do not want them to see. Also once you have your 8 neighbors and all the sizes of farm 3 you can remove them and still use farm 3.

annie2011 Apr 02 2011 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by abbygirl (Post 4558294)
The point of my post is I have all these coins with really nothing to do with them unless I spend some of my "real money". I understand after farm 3 I can just buy the next farms. I just wish we could have friends without going through the whole facebook thing, just be neighnors, maybe I could build up neighnbors then. But just to play a game I am pretty learly of accepting people I dont know.


Thanks for any info.:p

i added ppl just to get my farm 3 and as the other person said blocked my wall other then the factories to those ppl

hasleyl Apr 02 2011 03:58 PM

Love, love, love FT. Only game I play; however, I do wish I could get more than 6 blocks of cheese every six hours from my dairy plants. I have six plants and that still doesn't produce enough for my facilities. It doesn't matter how many cows I have if I cannot produce more cheese in the dairy plants. No other complaints so guess that is much, much better than most games.

joyfarmer Apr 03 2011 12:30 AM

New purchases
I have purchased all the facilities available to me. I am at level 93. The only thing left in facilities is farm dollars. I only earn 1 per each step up. I wonder why I purchase something and then find to use it I have to purchase something else using farm dollars. There are those who can afford to purchase farm dollars and those who cannot. Either let us trade money earned by playing for farm dollars or make the facilities now offered only farm dollars also available for coins. I wonder why people at levels above me still play, guess they can afford to purchase farm dollars. I love farm town and will continue to play however not much incentive to get higher levels to purchase facilities as there are no more, i am saving my farm dollars til I get enough to purchase something
I need like manure spreader, and petroleum what ever please give us more item to use our dollars on. thanks I have 8 farms

amberdh Apr 03 2011 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by joyfarmer (Post 4560094)
I have purchased all the facilities available to me. I am at level 93. The only thing left in facilities is farm dollars. I only earn 1 per each step up. I wonder why I purchase something and then find to use it I have to purchase something else using farm dollars. There are those who can afford to purchase farm dollars and those who cannot. Either let us trade money earned by playing for farm dollars or make the facilities now offered only farm dollars also available for coins. I wonder why people at levels above me still play, guess they can afford to purchase farm dollars. I love farm town and will continue to play however not much incentive to get higher levels to purchase facilities as there are no more, i am saving my farm dollars til I get enough to purchase something
I need like manure spreader, and petroleum what ever please give us more item to use our dollars on. thanks I have 8 farms

Hello there joyfarmer :)

I have moved your post into this thread in 'feedback' just so we can keep better track of of these things.

And to answer your question.... That is just the way the developers developed it. But thanks for your feedback, posts like this give the devs ideas on how to best develop the game in the future.

HelenJS22 Apr 03 2011 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by JAS0643 (Post 4557186)
You must not plat any zynga games. The reason they have more daily players is because they have to constantly ask friends to send them things so the can build stuff or do missions. They also get rewards for playing everyday. I do not play Fv but a different zynga game gives you in game cash if you play 6 days in a row. Now I don’t want ft to be like zynga but something like that might get ft more players.

There must be a happy medium somewhere between daily upgrades and waiting for weeks in hope of a new update. Even I, a loyal Farm Town player since almost the beginning, am beginning to wonder why I am going back each day at the moment and working my farms when there is nothing to strive for and everything to be done is 'same ol, same ol' :(

JAS0643 Apr 03 2011 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by HelenJS22 (Post 4560122)
There must be a happy medium somewhere between daily upgrades and waiting for weeks in hope of a new update. Even I, a loyal Farm Town player since almost the beginning, am beginning to wonder why I am going back each day at the moment and working my farms when there is nothing to strive for and everything to be done is 'same ol, same ol' :(

I agree with you on this and the developers really should look into it. Now what might work is adding tons of new levels to the game. I am sure there are some that would jump 200 levels or even 1000 levels if they added that many but there are a lot of people that would still have levels to go if they made the top level really high. IMO something else that people need to keep in mind is that while other games like FV have more frequent updates it is mostly decorations for a new thyme on the farm. It is not something that can be used to make money like the facilities. How often do the people that say well fv has updates all the time really buy all the new stuff when it comes out. First of all you may not like the new thyme, second it will be mostly for farm cash so unless you want to pay real money for it you are really out of luck. Third how often do people really want to redo their farms when a new thyme comes out. Fourth the stuff never stays around for very long so if they release a thyme you really like but are not at the level to buy it you will miss out on that item because it will be gone in a couple of weeks. Other then holiday decorations FT has never taken anything out of the store and to me that says a lot about this game.

So yes a happy medium could be reached but there will still be people complaining no matter what the developers do.

Honeyrum Apr 03 2011 04:07 AM

Coins fopr dollars
Will there be any chance in future of swapping Coins for dollars.. seems to me if one has all and possibly multiple facilities that coins are just going to multiply and grow with nothing to spend on...

Tony D Apr 03 2011 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Honeyrum (Post 4560342)
Will there be any chance in future of swapping Coins for dollars.. seems to me if one has all and possibly multiple facilities that coins are just going to multiply and grow with nothing to spend on...

Hi, I merged your post into the thread for discussions on Farm Cash.

Texas Belle Apr 03 2011 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by HelenJS22 (Post 4560122)
There must be a happy medium somewhere between daily upgrades and waiting for weeks in hope of a new update. Even I, a loyal Farm Town player since almost the beginning, am beginning to wonder why I am going back each day at the moment and working my farms when there is nothing to strive for and everything to be done is 'same ol, same ol' :(

I feel there same way Helen, but then I joined this other game that even has a little train that comes and goes with goods you buy from other people, lol
Just something to spend my idle time on while we patiently wait for something from Farm Town. I am beginning to get tired of planting onions, wheat and rice that are never enough to do anything but just fill one or two facilities. I have planted 2 farms each with these and I turn around and they are gone. I do not layer or crop so it is difficult to keep a supply of any of the goods except harvesting trees and whacking cedar and oak.. lol

StoneFace Apr 03 2011 03:19 PM

I feel the pain.... I spent 10 days just stocking, gifting etc and got ready for a big push on posting.... After 3 days I made over 300 million at each set of farms.... for what?

If they released 4 new farms for a total of 12 that would be awesome in itself, but I won't hold my breath on that one.

If I had real input on this game:

- I would issue levels to 250 with a standard number of exp points required.. ... probably 50,000 each level (it is SO much easier to attain points now than in the "old" days)
- I would add 4 farms at a swoop. The #9 would require about $1.5Billion, no $FC and it would mark an end of an era

- The #10 would introduce PharmTownPhase II and would require $2Billion and a minimum expenditure of $FC - like $500 or so, or a $3Billion++ purchase
- The #11 and 12 would have similar but higher/tougher requirements. Those who have tons of coin would be satisfied. Those who have spent a lot of $FC would be rewarded. Those who only want to play for free, would have to work for the coin.

This might satisfy the long time players with lots of points. It would give the lower levels something to really work for, and in the meantime they would be satisfied with 9 farms (except chronic complainers)

Then I would have a steady flow of new things to buy. 2 or 3 Facilities each month or so. Some speed stuff like Super Cheese Plant etc. These could be allocated so that some are available to all, and some available to higher levels.

As for the decorations and other stuff like seeds, trees, etc.... I would consider "retiring" some and upgrading others.

And I would definitely offer some alternative views - and SIZES - of a number of the buildings and facilities.

oh.... and some clothes for the avatar that can only be bought in the clothing store.
oh.... and some vehicles that can face all four ways.
oh.... and more salmon :D
oh.... and make some of the gift items 100 or 150 or even 200 at a time like bait

feel free to agree with me..... feel free to object and your crops might wither.


JAS0643 Apr 03 2011 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by StoneFace (Post 4561266)

- The #10 would introduce PharmTownPhase II and would require $2Billion and a minimum expenditure of $FC - like $500 or so, or a $3Billion++ purchase
- The #11 and 12 would have similar but higher/tougher requirements. Those who have tons of coin would be satisfied. Those who have spent a lot of $FC would be rewarded. Those who only want to play for free, would have to work for the coin.

That would kill the game if the developers did that. The developers can not slap people in the face like this and expect them to keep playing the game. That is exactly what those kind of requirements would do to players. The people that either spend money on farm cash or do the offers to get the farm cash already have an advantage in the game over those that do not. We can make coins so much easier then those that have no or very few cash facilities. You have to remember that the only people making 100 million + every time they load the facilities is the ones that have all the facilities. The people that only have the coin facilities are not making near that many coins. I personally think the price of the land needs to come down for that reason and to put level requirements on the new farms. That way people that are playing for free (and there is nothing wrong with that) will feel like they can get the new land at some point. If you do not have all the facilities, are not making tons of money and you will never have all the facilities because you can not buy the fc, then you are likely going to go forget this. I can never make 1 billion coins for a farm and it is not just one farm that cost 1 billion + it is 4, 5, or 6 farms. I will not play a game I can't advance in. I understand the developers giving people something to spend their coins on but you also have to keep in mind the newer players and the players that can not buy fc to get the new land or other things. If you do not cater to all players you will lose players and at some point not have enough players left to keep the game running.

StoneFace Apr 03 2011 04:51 PM

that is why I called it PHASE II

to still be part of the game, and also be something the not-for-free players can enjoy too.

But then we all know that if everything were free, and everything were easy, and everything appealed to everybody........ there would still be whiners.

As far as I know, only AIR is free... and some of that is tainted (yes, I have dogs)


JAS0643 Apr 03 2011 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by StoneFace (Post 4561422)
that is why I called it PHASE II

to still be part of the game, and also be something the not-for-free players can enjoy too.

But then we all know that if everything were free, and everything were easy, and everything appealed to everybody........ there would still be whiners.

As far as I know, only AIR is free... and some of that is tainted (yes, I have dogs)


I still say the developers can not do that to players if they expect to keep the game going. Call it whatever you want it would still be a huge slap in the face of players that can not afford to buy farm cash. To say to people that in order for you to reach all phase of this game you must pay $100 + real dollars to us to continue playing the game is like saying we don't care about you at all. That would KILL THIS GAME we all love so much. There has to be a balance between the people that pay and the people that don't pay, the developers saying we only care about the people that pay and not the ones that don't pay is not right. In my opinion they are coming close to doing just that. I don't mind the fc facilities and tools I have all of them but not everyone does nor can they and that is a big reason why the game has gone from 17 million players to just over 2 million. While FV does have a lot of fc items none of them are needed to make the big coins. In farm town not only do we have fc facilities but a lot of the coin facilities require something from a fc facility without that item your coin facility is useless. That is something the developers need to take a long hard look at if they want to grow the game and continue it for years to come. There has to be a health balance for all players or you will have no players left.

1fritz Apr 03 2011 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by JAS0643 (Post 4561514)
I still say the developers can not do that to players if they expect to keep the game going. Call it whatever you want it would still be a huge slap in the face of players that can not afford to buy farm cash. To say to people that in order for you to reach all phase of this game you must pay $100 + real dollars to us to continue playing the game is like saying *** we don't care about you at all. That would KILL THIS GAME we all love so much. There has to be a balance between the people that pay and the people that don't pay, the developers saying we only care about the people that pay and not the ones that don't pay is not right. In my opinion they are coming close to doing just that. I don't mind the fc facilities and tools I have all of them but not everyone does nor can they and that is a big reason why the game has gone from 17 million players to just over 2 million. While FV does have a lot of fc items none of them are needed to make the big coins. In farm town not only do we have fc facilities but a lot of the coin facilities require something from a fc facility without that item your coin facility is useless. That is something the developers need to take a long hard look at if they want to grow the game and continue it for years to come. There has to be a health balance for all players or you will have no players left.

I agree with Jas...I love this game and have every facility FC and coin, (I have spent a fair amount of real dollars and will spend more) but I know folks who don't have the ability to buy Farmcash. I'm not sure what the answer is. It concerns me that as more and more players slip away that the game might end.

HelenJS22 Apr 03 2011 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Texas Belle (Post 4560662)
I feel there same way Helen, but then I joined this other game that even has a little train that comes and goes with goods you buy from other people, lol
Just something to spend my idle time on while we patiently wait for something from Farm Town. I am beginning to get tired of planting onions, wheat and rice that are never enough to do anything but just fill one or two facilities. I have planted 2 farms each with these and I turn around and they are gone. I do not layer or crop so it is difficult to keep a supply of any of the goods except harvesting trees and whacking cedar and oak.. lol

:( Back I came again today - I've said before that this game is really an evil social experiment, but still I return to it. I bought 1000 rice from a neighbour this morning, went to top up my facilities, and poof !! my 1000 rice was gone. I totally agree with you on the fact that no matter how much of the basics we plant, or buy when we can from others ... it is never enough for the facilities that they keep bringing in with no upgrade for the associated crops :( Oh, and for the record, I don't have all the facilities and I don't use all of them, but the ratio of crops to facilities really needs to be adjusted. Think I'll have to go off and get back to some of my real work instead of farming :confused:

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