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CSLewis Aug 15 2014 06:47 PM

3D illusion????

Originally Posted by Seraphina Warrior (Post 5860926)
Hi CSLewis. If items can be placed, without the use of the green or orange hand (design tools), then it is perfectly fine. Some items can be placed on top of other items, and this is allowed. Any items, such as this , are checked out at the time of verification. The only thing that I would say, is to be careful when using hills and mountains that you do not stagger them and give a 3D illusion. Good luck and have a wonderful evening. :)

Okay maybe I am a little slow Seraphina, but what exactly do you mean staggering them so it makes a 3D illusion? My goal is to have it look like a mountain range with some trees and stuff in the mountains. Maybe there are some examples that can be pointed out to me that explain better?

(Also I think I started this post in the wrong thread, sorry)

Seraphina Warrior Aug 16 2014 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by CSLewis (Post 5860938)
Okay maybe I am a little slow Seraphina, but what exactly do you mean staggering them so it makes a 3D illusion? My goal is to have it look like a mountain range with some trees and stuff in the mountains. Maybe there are some examples that can be pointed out to me that explain better?

(Also I think I started this post in the wrong thread, sorry)

Hi CSLewis, I'll try to explain, as best I can for you. If you were to place mountains, side by side on your farm, it would look like a row of mountains and no doubt a mountain range. But if you placed mountains that were staggered, so that it gave the illusion of a mountain range, gradually getting higher and higher, then this would not be allowed. Basically, as long as your mountains did not give any illusion of mountains sitting on top of each other and getting higher, then you should be fine. I appreciate that its hard to understand, but hopefully this has clarified things a little more for you. :)

SeaJay Aug 16 2014 09:30 AM

In my not so humble opinion, I'm thinking the use of the green farm design tool should have been totally eliminated. It would leave no questions as to whether or not something was allowed.

I see farms entered that are using trees to create elevation. Even though it is not a design trick, it goes against the rules of 3 D affect.

I was called on using land paths incorrectly when it created no such affect and have, from the beginning, been able to be placed wherever we wanted without the use of a design hand.

I think the rules are skewed!

CSLewis Aug 16 2014 12:53 PM

Still confused about 3 D effect
I looked at all the entries so far and some of them look to go from small to big based on how they laid things out. I visited a neighbor who has a wonderful winter farm design and she gave me permission to post her farm here to use that as a basis of explanation. I know she has a few snow hills overhanging and uses fences to create stairs and that is not allowed. My question is the way she has her hills and trees placed, is that acceptable?

Seraphina Warrior Aug 16 2014 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by CSLewis (Post 5861322)
I looked at all the entries so far and some of them look to go from small to big based on how they laid things out. I visited a neighbor who has a wonderful winter farm design and she gave me permission to post her farm here to use that as a basis of explanation. I know she has a few snow hills overhanging and uses fences to create stairs and that is not allowed. My question is the way she has her hills and trees placed, is that acceptable?

The mountains placed as they are in that photo would be fine CSLewis, as they are basically all placed next to each other. If you look closely at that picture, it is the steps more than anything, that give it the illusion of height and 3D and as you said, steps etc are not allowed. :) Aug 22 2014 08:36 AM

My entry was deleted and I saw a few that had some of the same things as mine and I think it should be the decision of all the judges and not just one! Very disappointed!

Seraphina Warrior Aug 22 2014 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 5863770)
My entry was deleted and I saw a few that had some of the same things as mine and I think it should be the decision of all the judges and not just one! Very disappointed!

Hi Jmdoda, Your entry was only temporarily deleted as there was much confusion surrounding it, as you may know. I hope to have now, put your mind at rest somewhat. Have a lovely day :)

firegold flames Aug 24 2014 12:12 AM

I think i want to feedback on contest . i think we should give an example picture
like what should or should not be in like the one shown by Lewis .

Eradani Aug 24 2014 12:44 AM

i think the rules, especially in this confusing case, need to be laid out more specifically. i thought the point of this contest was not making a 3d farm but a flat one. my entry was disallowed (and i was given the opportunity to fix it) for having grasses in my ponds because that involved the use of the green hand and/or dirt paths for overlapping. i'm not complaining about the rule, just about how the rule was originally stated. i know making rules for contests can be difficult but they really need to be more clear. and i hope my pretending a row of asparagus crops can grow up to be a hedge isn't disallowed because i'm not using a crop as intended because an asparagus hedge tastes sooo good in the spring :)

SeaJay Aug 24 2014 11:08 AM

Seraphina, the picture of my farm disappeared, but not the post. Do I have to re-submit it?

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