Farm Town

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Taz D Jan 16 2024 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Dan H (Post 6572198)
So, you are saying that a problem does exist, where we occasionally arrive at an empty Inn. When will that be resolved?

And, it seems then, we are always going to have an issue trying to meet with other farmers at the Inn/Job/Trade Mkts.

By the way, I have worked with many computer systems that had multiple servers. Multi-server systems include more that one server and these provide service to users/customers arriving into the queue(s). Multi-server systems can be designed with several similar servers or with different types of servers. Some of the different types of servers are database servers, file servers, mail servers, print servers, web servers, game servers, and application servers.

Hi Dan,
First yes there can be a problem of an individual going to the market and not seeing anyone else there. It is an intermitent problem with several possibilities being the problem. It is handled on an individual case and is not wide spread or consistent. This not what you were asking about.

Yes a server can be set up to perform multiple functions. There are currently only 2 servers used for the game itself and a separate oone for the chat and being able to see others in the markets, inn and on your farms. That server has all of the market/inn rooms. Yes you will have to continue trying to find each other if you are meeting someone specific there. There isn't any way to change that because each market or inn can only handle a set number of players.

diana052711 Jan 31 2024 02:52 PM

Market Place error
Going anywhere on maps. After taking a break from FT i am still unable to see anyone on the market place or the inn, Ive used other browsers and still unable to see anyone to hire. pls help. thanks:(:(:(:(:(

Taz D Jan 31 2024 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by diana052711 (Post 6573150)
Going anywhere on maps. After taking a break from FT i am still unable to see anyone on the market place or the inn, Ive used other browsers and still unable to see anyone to hire. pls help. thanks:(:(:(:(:(

Hi Diana,
I moved your post to the thread about markets.
Please read the informationb in the first post on the first page of this thread on how to fix this.

Shnookims Feb 10 2024 12:34 PM

Market place
When I go to Market Place there isn't anyone showing there. How do I fix this problem?

marymarcel Feb 10 2024 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Shnookims (Post 6573778)
When I go to Market Place there isn't anyone showing there. How do I fix this problem?

Hi Shnookims :)

I moved your post to the thread for your problem.

Be sure that your plug is green when you arrive to market.

Also, you can try to change your language to any other in your preferences, the wrech.
Then reload the game, and change the language back to English US.

Do you use CCleaner? If you do could you have installed and enabled Kamo? If you have please uninstall Kamo and then reboot your computer as that can cause problems with seeing farmers at market.

Some antivirus software are also blocking the sites needed for Farm Town. It may have an additional setting to block tracking. Try checking if any of the following sites are being blocked by the browser that you use:

If your Antivirus software is blocking tracking and you are able to temporarily disable that setting you can see if that resolves the problem. OR, you can see if adding just those sites to exceptions in the anti tracking is enough to resolve your problem.

vfreeme Mar 10 2024 12:08 PM

can not see people in market place
I just got a new computer and can not hire from market place, can not see any one to hire anywhere. What do i do to fix this issue. Its working fine on my laptop but not the desk top.

Taz D Mar 10 2024 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by vfreeme (Post 6575554)
I just got a new computer and can not hire from market place, can not see any one to hire anywhere. What do i do to fix this issue. Its working fine on my laptop but not the desk top.

Hi vfreeme,
I moved your post to the thread about the markets.
Please read the information in the frist post on the first page of this thread. There are suggestions in that post of what to try.

L.A.Bob Apr 07 2024 10:02 AM

I am having trouble with the messages. It shows that I have one but I cannot get it to open and I am not able to look in the past history of who I have sent messages to. If another message comes in I can open and see it until I get to just one and then back to the same thing, I have closed the game tab and shut down my computer and restarted it and it is still there. Is there something else I can do to correct this?

Taz D Apr 07 2024 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by L.A.Bob (Post 6577198)
I am having trouble with the messages. It shows that I have one but I cannot get it to open and I am not able to look in the past history of who I have sent messages to. If another message comes in I can open and see it until I get to just one and then back to the same thing, I have closed the game tab and shut down my computer and restarted it and it is still there. Is there something else I can do to correct this?

Hi L.A. Bob,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about messages as this has nothing to do with the current release.
Please try clearing your memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close that as it is done.
If your farm is open close it. Then reopen and check your messages again.

For clearing from Slashkey:

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