Farm Town

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propwash77063 Dec 23 2009 01:04 PM

The fire option would be interesting! LOL

Snappy Dungarees Dec 23 2009 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Raul (Post 2921714)
Hi There,

We closed the other threads related to the latest release to make it easier to collect feedback.

A new version was released an hour ago, it is very similar to the way it was before, and at some times it will be even faster as the avatar is still teletransported when is working on close fields, this may have the effect of the avatar been closer to where the people are working most of the time, which may also contribute to have less collisions.

This version still contains many other improvements targeted to minimize the amount of XP / coins lost, we don't expect it to be as efective as with the latest version, but we still expect improvments on that area, so may be this is a good balance at the end.

Please provide feedback on the new experience.



Thank you guys. Can't imagine how hard you have all worked to create a nice bit of middle ground. Love you all for all your dedication and hard work. Good luck with the errr *ahem* feedback! ;):rolleyes:

Ginny Skurs-Heptig Dec 23 2009 01:10 PM

New and Imporved? NOT
Farm Town is now running like a dog. In my opinion, it's gone backwards with freezing up and super slow. It was bad last night BEFORE the Reverting to the "old way" and now it's worse. Avatar is way behind, and you can no longer get ahead of yourelf. Is this to slow down the server accepting the collection? I'm an a very unhappy farmer at this point.


Originally Posted by Raul (Post 2921714)
Hi There,

We closed the other threads related to the latest release to make it easier to collect feedback.

A new version was released an hour ago, it is very similar to the way it was before, and at some times it will be even faster as the avatar is still teletransported when is working on close fields, this may have the effect of the avatar been closer to where the people are working most of the time, which may also contribute to have less collisions.

This version still contains many other improvements targeted to minimize the amount of XP / coins lost, we don't expect it to be as efective as with the latest version, but we still expect improvments on that area, so may be this is a good balance at the end.

Please provide feedback on the new experience.



iots028 Dec 23 2009 01:11 PM

Thanks so much, it works great.
I think it might be faster, it's kind of fun to watch the avatar now.

~Farmer Tom~ Dec 23 2009 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by ccalby (Post 2921750)
I can queue, can anyone else

BTW thanks raul for the update,

yes, I cant complain at all, seems to be fine for me

illumi Dec 23 2009 01:13 PM

it sucks..........i cant earn one coin on any job where theres more than one working...all plots show already done already done...and to think that yesterday everything was fine.
even the very first release of farmtown was better than this :(
please roll it back.

riknana49 Dec 23 2009 01:14 PM

do NOT like this "new way" I click and it just says i am busy... isnt worth the time to hire out if this is the way it is gonna be!!! Takes forever to get a little done on this silly new way.... cant make money and cant keep up with others either!!!! NOT FUN>>> CHANGE IT BACK

jeanieNGMsfarm Dec 23 2009 01:16 PM

i like this new upgrade as well (likes the last one too) but my only problem with this one is that the harvest hogs who randomly click can now do it again and seems like more and more people have been doing it since they are allowed to do it again so i will deal with it and leave when it happens thanks for the hard work

ms cindy Dec 23 2009 01:18 PM

While i was happy with the updates yesterday, I am even more happy with them today! Thank you It was fun and fast today. Thank you again, for all your hard work.

Tulppo Dec 23 2009 01:20 PM

avaiator is out of control
My aviator went to a totally different place than I wanted and I did not earn any of the xp's that I should have. Frustrating

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