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max_river Mar 23 2014 09:01 AM

it has happen to me many times. i have been sworn at and bad messages sent to me. i wish we had a thread on here about bad bosses.. i is not only the employees who are rude

Aussie Rae Mar 23 2014 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by ccheney (Post 5792470)
Not long ago I was hired to harvest plow chop and harvest trees. I got to the farm and started with the trees because for some reason that is the tool that showed up first. Immediately the employers says I need to harvest and plow first then harvest trees and then chop trees. I ignored her. She said it again this time in all caps! I SAID TO HARVEST AND PLOW FIRST! Enough was enough. I walked off the job. Anyone have a similar experience with rude or obnoxious employers?

perhaps if you had not ignored her... which happens too often with workers from the Market, she would have not had to shout at works both ways..employees need to respond if the farm owner is trying to communicate with is the name of the game..but so many seem to forget that without the employer..there would be no work on offer,..and vice versa, a good worker is hard to find these days and employers soon discover who they are and will rehire them when they see them next time at market...:)

lollipopthebunny Mar 24 2014 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by ccheney (Post 5792470)
Not long ago I was hired to harvest plow chop and harvest trees. I got to the farm and started with the trees because for some reason that is the tool that showed up first. Immediately the employers says I need to harvest and plow first then harvest trees and then chop trees. I ignored her. She said it again this time in all caps! I SAID TO HARVEST AND PLOW FIRST! Enough was enough. I walked off the job. Anyone have a similar experience with rude or obnoxious employers?

I have been hired to do 20 farms an told to do ALL an when I get to the farm, they have hired OTHERS. So That is very frustrating also! Especially if I State SOLO! I think it is too hard to share with someoone that has NO tools if I have ALL tools an they are going one square at a time on a farm. I have left the farm an given up bonuses when that happens if someone shows up after i have started to work on the farms first.

I have also had issues when hiring someone an they do not respond to me when I talk to them or they go offline so they can't see the chat window an get real irritated myself! SO in some ways I can relate to what you are saying but then I also have been hired an once on the persons farm realized due to what they have done, I am not going to be able to do all of what they want becuase the farms are too packed full of EVERYTHING plus they stack the crops with x9 which means 9 tabs open when they stacked it, then they have the farm PACKED with TREES too. I can barely do two of these type farms when my computer starts bogging down plus the fact I am tired of doing it! I feel those type farms is over kill an dont choose to do those but when Someone hires they don't state that in the mrkt so you have no idea till you are there an then the employer doesn't show or leaves before a person can talk to them! I have tried to talk to them an I have also sent them messages an most of the time either get no answer back or a snotty answer back!

Rob T Mar 24 2014 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by lollipopthebunny (Post 5793346)
I have been hired to do 20 farms an told to do ALL an when I get to the farm, they have hired OTHERS. So That is very frustrating also! Especially if I State SOLO! I think it is too hard to share with someoone that has NO tools if I have ALL tools an they are going one square at a time on a farm. I have left the farm an given up bonuses when that happens if someone shows up after i have started to work on the farms first.

I have also had issues when hiring someone an they do not respond to me when I talk to them or they go offline so they can't see the chat window an get real irritated myself! SO in some ways I can relate to what you are saying but then I also have been hired an once on the persons farm realized due to what they have done, I am not going to be able to do all of what they want becuase the farms are too packed full of EVERYTHING plus they stack the crops with x9 which means 9 tabs open when they stacked it, then they have the farm PACKED with TREES too. I can barely do two of these type farms when my computer starts bogging down plus the fact I am tired of doing it! I feel those type farms is over kill an dont choose to do those but when Someone hires they don't state that in the mrkt so you have no idea till you are there an then the employer doesn't show or leaves before a person can talk to them! I have tried to talk to them an I have also sent them messages an most of the time either get no answer back or a snotty answer back!

Hi, just a note to say that nobody has to work with single tools anymore, all coin tools can be used, and even the employers tools, so at minimum, they can use a 3x3 :)

lollipopthebunny Mar 24 2014 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Rob T (Post 5793350)
Hi, just a note to say that nobody has to work with single tools anymore, all coin tools can be used, and even the employers tools, so at minimum, they can use a 3x3 :)

What about if they are hired to do flowers or Trees? I have the big tools an when I go to check on someone there are SOME people that are still doiing ONE tree at a time or very few, when they could whip through them quickly with the larger tool.

Rob T Mar 24 2014 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by lollipopthebunny (Post 5793358)
What about if they are hired to do flowers or Trees? I have the big tools an when I go to check on someone there are SOME people that are still doiing ONE tree at a time or very few, when they could whip through them quickly with the larger tool.

maybe they aren't aware they can use the bigger tools, if you see them, maybe leave them a note saying they are able to do so?

ccheney Mar 24 2014 11:03 PM

As long as the jobs I am hired to do get done why should it matter the order in which they are done?

Shantily Mar 25 2014 04:59 AM

when ever I get hired to do a job i usually do the h/p first. In the old days if I was hired i'd do all the h/p first then go back to do trees or w/e else they needed done that way they can start replanting if they want and i can go on and get the other things done. for those who have lagging computers try using 'low quality" and see if it helps.. my pet peeve on working is they over hire for jobs ... 4 small farms does not need 3 people... sorry idc how fast you want them done.. takes longer when people are fighting each other.. also the ones who hire i thing at a time? I get hired to h/p get that done then go back to the market and then get rehired by the same person to do trees .. and then they want me to fish.. i message them and say you can hire all at once and get ignored.. say it in the chat as well at the market..same thing.. lots of issues for workers and employers still.. i only hire one person to do everything i need done.. i ask if they want help.. they usually say no.. i say ok but if you do let me know...:)

c.abell Mar 25 2014 11:29 PM

Thanks for all the positive changes on hiring
I have noticed that it is a lot easier now to hire workers and have them finish the jobs they start. It was getting kind of frustrating before; but, since all the new hiring changes and incentives, it is much easier to hire and keep employees. Thank you FT folks for all your work and great ideas.

lollipopthebunny Mar 26 2014 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rob T (Post 5793362)
maybe they aren't aware they can use the bigger tools, if you see them, maybe leave them a note saying they are able to do so?

Unfortunately Not everyone seems to look at the chat window or acknowledges any one talking to them due to either they are in magnified or they just plain ignore or don't care!

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