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Conversation Between JW2009 and Hjalmar3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. JW2009
    Dec 20 2011 08:41 AM
    Merry X-Mas to you, thats kool, i will go look for ur photos right now
  2. Hjalmar3
    Dec 13 2011 07:12 PM
    Nice job! I thought Farmtown had a way to display all your farms connected.. I just enlarged my 1st farm to 26x26 .. i'm going to make a pic of Matt Damon called "Bourne in the USA" haha! I got sidetracked last night and downloaded "Green Zone" starring Matt.. (i like his movies).. i use free software called AndreaMosaic to design my crate mosaics.. you can see some of my pics on the Forum under the Community tab (Pictures & Albums) .. i had to bulldoze Princess Kate yesterday to make room for Matt lol! I have Hugh Jackman as Wolverine on my 2nd farm.. thanks for the tips about Paintshop.. I want a copy of Photoshop cuz I used to use it when I did graphic arts on Macs.. Merry Xman
  3. JW2009
    Dec 11 2011 06:35 PM
    7 after i have all farms joined up, i clean around the edges to make them look like they are one map, and i place the SLASHKEY logo and my dude.
    8 i reopen paintshop and make the paintshop at 25% size and i cut the map out, and "Paste" the final copy, and save the final copy. Thank you, and other questions you can just email my inbox and i will answer you to the best i can.
    Thank you and Happy Farming
  4. JW2009
    Dec 11 2011 06:34 PM
    4 to have them all fit onto one screen is the tricky part...
    Ofcourse they are too big and to resize them on paintshop just makes them look choppy, so for each farm i have a photo of, I post it on facebook, then i save it and remove it from facebook (i do this for each farms), the reason is facebok photos are smaller then the actual ones and it doesnt chopp them up, they still look clean.
    5 after all ur farms are saved. i reopen paintshop and make it huge size, with Windows7 its easy, you can make the paintshop size smaller or larger from the bottom right corner of paintshop.
    6 i have to cut and erase around each farm then i start from the right top corner and work left and down wards. remember when u go to paste each farm to have "Transparant Selection" checked off otherwise it wont look right.
  5. JW2009
    Dec 11 2011 06:34 PM
    How i did the big map... { It is Complicated at 1st }
    1 at first i just had my 1st farm and i started to make roads for it and houses.
    2 then with the other farms i aligned it with taking photos and then matching then up on paintshop, i have to go back to my farm and re aligned them sometimes. it took me a long time to doit at first, but to align farm 12 its easy, then after i have two farms aligned, i just gofrom there.
    3 onced they are aligned then on each farm i take two photo from "Print Screen" button, not the other way, then i open my paintshop and i "Paste" the photo. to make it BLACK background, you can use the "Fill with Color" tool and select the background colour u want.
  6. Hjalmar3
    Nov 17 2011 11:35 PM
    out of curiosity, how did u put your farms together? photoshop or something else?

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